May is here and spring has finally sprung with the promise of summer just around the corner. After such a long winter, it is such a joy to see nature springing into life as the trees become green with leaves, the flowers start to bloom and even the sky seems to be bluer today.
So it comes as no surprise that as I’m surrounded by a rainbow of sunshine and colour, I am getting more clients choosing fancy coloured diamonds, so they can keep that feeling of summer with them every day of the year. But which ones should you consider and how do should you wear them best? Here is my guide to coloured diamonds and the best investment in terms of price and finish.
Yellow Diamonds
For the most intense yellow colour, the Zimmi diamond is in a league of its own (so much so it has its own colour rating of Zimmi when compared to a yellow or canary diamond). Hand-mined from Sierra Leone and Liberia, the colour is unique to the area which is reflected in its price. Canary and champagne diamonds are also lovely for a more gentle hue.
Yellow diamonds in general and Zimmi diamonds especially suit a gentle yellow gold setting in order to really accentuate the colour.
Pink Diamonds
Almost 80% of pink diamonds are mined in the Argyle mine in Australia and due to their unique colour – which gemologists believe came from the intense pressure during formation – they are a great investment and still hugely popular since Ben Affleck set the trend when he proposed to Jennifer Lopez with a 6.1 carat pink diamond engagement ring.
Pink diamonds are the best suite for those who want to highlight their femininity. These beauties look perfect set in white gold or platinum with white diamond accents.
Blue Diamonds
Blue diamonds due to their rarity are incredibly valuable and sought-after on the diamond market.
By the way, The Hope Diamond, the most famous diamond in the world, has a natural blue colour.
Mined in Australia and South Africa, there is normally a competition between blue and pink diamonds for which one is the most expensive fancy coloured diamond, however vivid blue The Zoe Diamond sold in 2014 for $32.5million is keeping them on top.
Blue diamonds look gorgeous mixed with white and yellow diamonds set in white gold or platinum.
Red Diamonds
Red is the rarest and therefore the most expensive diamond in the world.
Known for their small sizes – most are less than 1 carat and the largest is only 5.11 carats – however, their price is 300-400% higher per carat than the pink or blue diamonds.
Due to the intense colour, they are not as obvious as a traditional diamond, which is why the third-largest red diamond in the world – the DeYoung Red Diamond weighing 5.03 carats – was bought at an estate sale where it was sold as a garnet hat pin!
In order to lift the colour and allow the light through, a red diamond needs to be set in yellow gold, however white or rose gold setting creates a nice contrast as well.